Our History in Black & White

Founded in 1985 Inter Kenmare was originally known as ‘Templenoe Tigers’. The team had a truly international feel to it including players from Holland, England, Germany and of course Ireland. In 1989 the club changed its name to Internazionale in honour of its multi cultural origins.

For a period of its history the club lead a nomadic life, moving to various locations around the Kenmare area, before setting a semi permanent base in Gortumullen on the Sneem Rd. This remained our home for a number of years before a need to expand and improve our facilities pushed us to up stakes again and purchase just over 3 hectares of land in Dromneavane on which we have built two full sized playing pitches and a clubhouse. You can find out more about our history here.

The club currently fields teams from under 11 to senior; boasting two mens senior teams, a ladies team and underage teams at U11, U12, U12 Girls, U13, U14, U15, U16, U16 Girls & U17. We also have an academy for boys and girls between the ages of 5 & 9 which runs for almost 38 weeks of the year taking part in various blitzes throughout this time. Every year we endeavour to field teams at every age group possible, this year only missing out on U14 Girls and Youth (U18) both of which we hope to include again next year.

We consider ourselves to be a community club with no parish, gender, nationality, colour or creed favoured over another, we are a soccer club with our only goal being to ensure that every person who wants to play and enjoy soccer can be afforded that opportunity.

For more detailed information about the Club's various teams click on the links below.
If you would like to contact the Club
click here

Committee Officials 2024/25

Chairman: Denis O’Brien
Secretary: John O’Sullivan
Treasurer: Michael Gavin
PRO: Sue O’Sullivan Casey
Youth Officer: Andrew O’Leary